Innovation support and funding programmes

Innovation support and funding programmes

The development of technology-based products, services and processes is the backbone of the German economy. Shorter product life cycles increase the pressure on development departments – especially for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), the demand on innovation management increases.

Innovation support

In order to increase and sustain the innovative strength of Saarland companies, saaris offers individual support in all phases of the innovation process – from idea generation to market launch.

Our services in practice

The aim of innovation management is to develop plans, concepts and provisions for new, changed or improved products, processes or services and saaris supports companies throughout the entire innovation process with detailed, individual advice and assistance in the formulation of applications.

Know-how and knowledge are the basis for fundamental changes in the company. What is the current status of scientific research? What do these R&D developments look like for Saarland’s companies? How can SMEs be successfully supported? In events and workshops with different formats, companies can actively work on the changes in their business fields with the support of saaris.

Do you have ideas on how to position your company for the future in order to remain competitive? Our specialists know the market and can help to categorise it for you.

Extensive research is essential before registration. No matter which protection right interests you, thorough research is crucial. It is important to inform yourself about the protection rights available for your field. This includes the current state of the art in your specialist area. You must make sure that your invention is definitely new and that no one has already applied for a similar patent or utility model. You should also be sure to check whether the desired brand name is already taken, in order to avoid possible conflicts. Make sure that your draft is not similar to a registered trademark. It is equally important to check whether your design infringes the property rights of others who may already have a valid design right in Germany. The experienced saaris staff in the Patents and Trademark Centre will support you with all these questions.

Investments required capital. There are numerous ways to obtain capital. Subsidies through funding programmes, subsidised loans or guarantees are just three of many examples. “Which route is the right one for me and my company”? You can get answers to this question from the saaris specialists, who not only have experience in your industry, but also in the capital provider market. Do not hesitate to contact us!

Do you want to know just how good your idea is? Whether it can actually be implemented and sustained on the market? saaris has developed an innovation check, which the staff members will go through together with you. After a detailed analysis, we present you with an assessment of strengths and weaknesses, adapt your innovation idea if necessary and guide your company through the next steps.

When trying to solve complex problems or developing and introducing innovative products, you often need partners from research or other businesses. The saaris experts know the market and can help in finding business partners and establishing contacts regionally, nationally and internationally.

The state, federal government and EU offer a wealth of funding programmes for research and development activities. But only those who know what funding opportunities are available can take advantage of them. So, contact us as soon as possible to make the best possible use of available funding opportunities.

Our teams can support your company with the following:

  • Selection of the best suited funding programme for the project
  • Assessment of the prospects of success in advance of the application
  • Assistance with the formulation of the application in dialogue with the competent bodies
  • Search for and contact with suitable project partners

In addition, saaris provides information about current calls for proposals and competitions of the state, the federal government and the EU, and helps to establish contact with the funding institutions and to find partners for the implementation of a project. Advice on European funding programmes is provided in cooperation with the Enterprise Europe Network – in particular as part of the Horizon Europe EU framework programme for research and innovation.

Service downloads and information on funding programmes

Further information


Your contact partners

Max Mustermann
Dr. Anita Lorenzen Economy Transformation Hub 0681 210 66 204
Max Mustermann
Carine Messerschmidt Leitung Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) 0681 210 66 332