Developing the Saarland as an attractive and sustainable automotive location with saaris.motovation

The Saarland is car country and, accordingly, the transformation of the medium-sized automotive industry is one of the supporting pillars for successful structural change in the region.

Under the new saaris.motovation brand, all core competences and offers of saarland.innovation&standort e.V. in the automotive sector are pooled in order to make them effectively usable for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) as well as research centres.
saaris.motovation bundles numerous activities undertaken by saaris for the medium-sized automotive industry in an interdisciplinary manner, ranging from classic business development instruments such as technology transfer and digitalisation support to offers for participation in trade fairs and mediation of cooperation initiations at EU level and participation in the continuation of the Saarland’s innovation strategy.
saaris.motovation contributes its specialist knowledge and years of experience in the further development of the Saarland automotive industry to future projects throughout Germany:
Cross-project range of services within the framework of the Automotive Transformation Hub
The services offered by saaris.motovation range from individual support in the innovation process to a variety of specialist events for SMEs, joint activities with neighbouring regions, deepening contacts with universities and research institutions, and sales promotion initiatives such as trade fair participation. Funding consultations, publications of your press releases, brochures and compendia round off our services.
Specialist events, workshops and technology forums offer the medium-sized automotive industry in Saarland numerous opportunities along the entire value chain for further training, collaboration, identification of new cooperations and generation of innovations.
We offer medium-sized businesses and science:
- Dialogues to explore common market opportunities
- Technology-related topics on site in companies or research institutions
- Expert presentations on technology and market trends as well as accompanying exhibitions
- Cross-border events
- Mediation of technology trends
saaris.motovation supports you with programmes from the state, federal government and the EU for funding advice on projects, qualification measures and other innovative projects.
What is funded?
- Promotion of a working capital acquisition for the creation of new jobs
- Funding opportunities for common developments and innovations
- Investment grants within the framework of the joint task “improvement of the regional economic structure”
- Financial assistance from European and Saarland funding programmes
- Productivity learning goal (support in the field of further education)
For economic and technological utilisation, saaris organises business trips and receives suitable foreign delegations. The resulting cooperations give medium-sized Saarland companies and research institutions the opportunity to benefit from contacts and specialised knowledge of the markets.
At the IAA and IZB joint stands organised by saaris, Saarland will present its broad spectrum of automotive expertise from science and industry. Small and medium-sized enterprises as well as institutes from the region have the opportunity to participate as exhibitors at the joint stand.
In addition to distributing your press releases or news, saaris.motovation publishes information relevant to business and science that supports companies in the transformation and further development of their business fields:
- Compendiums and brochures in several languages on the competences of the Saarland as an automotive location
- Map of key hydrogen players in research and industry
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