Attracting qualified skilled workers to Saarland, thereby counteracting the worsening shortage of skilled workers is the goal of Saarland Attractive – Find Work & Stay, an agency launched on 15 October 2021.
This new service and coordination office works across universities and institutions and promotes professional as well as private prospects in Saarland. In the coming years, their task will be to raise awareness among students, university graduates, commuters and skilled workers with roots in Saarland about the – often underestimated – job opportunities in the state. Together with other labour market actors, it supports the matching process between qualified skilled workers and Saarland-based, primarily small and medium-sized enterprises with a need for skilled workers.

In future, both job seekers and companies will be provided with important information and contact points that are important for an optimal matching process via a dedicated internet platform. This offer is designed in consultation with the labour market actors and the economic and social partners. The agency therefore adopts a pilot function and is the first point of contact for skilled workers to show them perspectives and opportunities for working and living in Saarland.
Furthermore, the Service Centre supports small and medium-sized enterprises with workshops and guidance so that they can position themselves more visibly on the labour market and also organises events and campaigns for the acquisition of skilled workers.
The Saarland Attractive agency thus complements the services offered by Saarland Marketing with an individual advisory service for skilled workers and thereby joins them in securing the attractiveness of Saarland as a location.

The offers provided by the service centre are aimed at:
(Young) skilled workers in Saarland
Qualified university graduates and young academics
Commuters with longer journeys outside Saarland
People from the state/skilled workers in other federal states
Companies in Saarland with a need for skilled staff
The project “Agentur Saarland Attractive – find work & stay.” is funded by the Saarland Ministry of Economic Affairs, Innovation, Digital and Energy and the European Social Fund Plus.

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