Competency Management Service Centre
The Competency Management Service Centre creates the possibility to measure and quantify professional capacity and existing skills. The intention is to give migrants without (usable) formal qualifications the opportunity to make their skills visible and usable to employers through appropriate procedures. Various (PC-assisted) procedures are available, used in cooperation with other projects, or developed specifically with companies to measure occupation-specific skills. The clients receive relevant documentation of the results, which describe and make existing knowledge, skills and abilities visible in a differentiated way. The sub-project ensures optimal interface management between individual actors and services.
The offers provided by the service centre are aimed at:
For migrants:

You weren’t born / didn’t grow up in Germany and:
… you have worked for many years in a profession?
… have learned a profession abroad but have not taken an examination?
… have studied abroad and cannot work in your profession (e.g. lawyer)?
… are you looking for work and would like to show proof of your professional skills?
… are you looking for a new career perspective?
The Competency Management Service Centre offers you the opportunity to make your professional and personal competencies visible:
- The computer-based skills assessment procedure was developed by the Bertelsmann Foundation and the Federal Employment Agency. At MYSKILLS, typical situations of a profession are presented through videos and pictures. The test persons have to solve various tasks and answer 125 questions specific to the job. This way, they can prove their professional skills in 30 professions. The result shows which activities of the tested occupation the participants are already familiar with and where there may still be a need for qualification.
- Time required: around 3-4 hours (there is option of taking breaks).
- A self-assessment should be completed in advance at
- MYSKILLS can be completed in 12 languages: German, High Arabic, Farsi, Turkish, Russian, English, Bulgarian, French, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish
- Free of charge at saaris in Saarbrücken until 31.12.2023
- Requirement: Use of the PC mouse and ability to read the assignment in the respective language.
- Motivational and learning video (German: recognising job skills digitally –YouTube)
- In a group of 4-6 people, important stages in life are reflected upon and non-formally and informally acquired skills are made visible using various methods.
- The participants are activated through the joint group activities and enabled to formulate goals for a realistic professional future.
- Time required: 3 x 3-hour meetings.
- The willingness to self-reflect and to work together in the group is necessary.
- Language skills (A2/B1) required (with language mediators if necessary)
- If necessary, in cooperation with partners (e.g. migration services).
- In individual coaching, clients are supported in recognising their existing potential and resources and in developing new professional perspectives. In the joint discussions, important stages in life are reflected upon and (professional) activities are analysed using various methods.
- Skills become visible: In the course of the coaching process, your own skills will become clear. The coaching recipients become aware of their own abilities and skills.
- Together with the coach, goals can then be formulated and further steps planned.
- Time required: around 4-5 x 2-hour meetings + independent work at home
- The willingness to self-reflect and to work independently at home is required.
- Language skills (A2/B1) required
In a personal meeting, we clarify together whether the offer is right for you. Please always make an appointment with the advisor in advance. You can write an e-mail or call them. The results of the skills assessment are then received in written form. The results documentation describes your existing knowledge, skills and abilities, giving you proof of your actual skills. You can enclose these with your application or take further training. In the long term, this will put you in a better position for your professional future.
The competence management service point is part of the Regional Integration Network Saarland (IQ). The sub-projects communicate with each other and pass on information relevant to the profession, whilst complying with data protection, to other network projects and to recognition advice.
For companies

According to current forecasts, a gap of 50,000 skilled workers will arise in Saarland by 2030 due to demographic developments. In certain sectors of the Saarland economy, trade businesses in particular are already unable to find enough qualified employees. Among other options, the immigration of international skilled workers can help to close this gap.
The long-term aim is to draw attention to the promising opportunities offered by the Saar economy and to motivate foreign skilled workers to stay permanently and to integrate them into the Saarland labour market in a sustainable and educationally appropriate manner.
In the interest of the competitiveness of the Saar economy, the potential of professionally qualified people of foreign origin without a formal vocational qualification should be opened up better than before and it should be made possible for them to successfully integrate professionally into employment appropriate to their education. The declared aim is therefore to improve the usability of informal and non-formal skills on the Saarland labour market.
The Competency Management Service Centre primarily addresses adult qualified workers without (usable) formal qualifications. They are denied access to a recognition procedure because it is currently not possible to acquire a qualification in Germany on the basis of informally or non-formally acquired skills. Therefore, they often have difficulties in gaining access to adequate employment.
The Competency Management Service Centre creates the possibility to measure and quantify professional capacity and existing skills. The test participants receive relevant documentation of the results, which describe and make existing knowledge, skills and abilities visible in a differentiated way. The registration and visualisation of existing skills should help companies to better assess them and match them with existing requirement and job profiles – an essential factor for sustainable and educationally adequate integration in the German labour market (avoidance of mismatch).
How can you as a company benefit from this free offer?
- The computer-based skills assessment procedure was developed by the Bertelsmann Foundation and the Federal Employment Agency. At MYSKILLS, typical situations of a profession are presented through videos and pictures. The test persons have to solve various tasks and answer 125 questions specific to the job. This way, they can prove their professional skills in 30 professions. The result shows which activities of the tested occupation the participants are already familiar with and where there may still be a need for qualification.
- Time required: around 3-4 hours (there is option of taking breaks).
- A self-assessment should be completed in advance at
- MYSKILLS can be completed in 12 languages: German, High Arabic, Farsi, Turkish, Russian, English, Bulgarian, French, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish
- Free of charge at saaris in Saarbrücken until 31.12.2023
- Motivational and learning video (German: recognising job skills digitally)
- Requirement: Use of the PC mouse and ability to read the assignment in the respective language.
Would you like to be able to make a better assessment of the potential of your future employees? Would you like to have an overview of the different procedures? Would you like to see the possibilities and usefulness of skills assessment procedures for yourself?
Take part in a training session.
- with regard to the possibilities of validating informally and non-formally acquired skills and the usefulness of using skills assessment procedures (approx. 2-hour lecture) or
- an overview of selected skills assessment procedures and selection of suitable procedures (approx. 1-2 day workshop)
The range of skills assessment procedures is very extensive and diverse. The training programme is designed to help you get to know different instruments and their different areas of application and to learn how to interpret the results.
We would be happy to advise you on the individual offers in a personal consultation. The offer is free of charge and is funded by the BMAS and the MASFG.
For multiplicators

People of foreign origin have lots of potential, but often cannot put it to use without formal recognition. This means frustration on the one hand and unfilled jobs on the other.
The Competency Management Service Centre primarily addresses adult qualified workers without (usable) formal qualifications. They are denied access to a recognition procedure because it is currently not possible to acquire a qualification in Germany on the basis of informally or non-formally acquired skills. Therefore, they often have difficulties in gaining access to adequate employment.
The Competency Management Service Centre creates the possibility to measure and quantify professional capacity and existing skills. The test participants receive relevant documentation of the results, which describe and make existing knowledge, skills and abilities visible in a differentiated way.
How can you as an advisor use this free offer? Arrange an appointment for:
- Would you like collegial advice on what options are available for a client?
- Would you like to know what (professional) skills your clients have?
Together – also together with those seeking advice – we make a decision about suitable further steps, e.g.:
- Competency workshop
- Individual coaching or KomBI career guidance
- Measurement of professional capacity based on vocational experience
- Computer-assisted skills assessment procedure (cross-sector)
- Mediation of a different offer
Possible as 3-person counselling together with clients and advisers, by telephone, in person at the office in Saarbrücken, in person on site at your premises, in the advisory/mediation team, online or by e-mail.
Would you like to get involved yourself with the topic of “skills assessment”? Take part in a training session.
- with regard to the possibilities of validating informally and non-formally acquired skills and the usefulness of using skills assessment procedures (approx. 2-hour lecture)
- an overview of selected skills assessment procedures and selection of suitable procedures (approx. 1-2 day workshop)
- Independent implementation of competence assessment in counselling or as a competency workshop
Especially for placement specialists from job centers and employment agencies:
- The range of skills assessment procedures is very extensive and diverse. In order to ensure a targeted allocation, the differences between the individual instruments should be known. In the training sessions, those involved learn about the different areas of application and how to better interpret results so that they can use them as a basis for shaping the next steps in the consultancy process.
Especially for responsible authorities and chambers:
- Independent development and implementation of skills assessment procedures (also with regard to §14 BQFG “Other procedures”)
The offers provided by the Competency Management Service Centre for your clients:
- In individual coaching, clients are supported in recognising their existing potential and resources and in developing new professional perspectives. In the joint discussions, important stages in life are reflected upon and (professional) activities are analysed using various methods.
- Skills become visible: In the course of the coaching process, your own skills will become clear. The coaching recipients become aware of their own abilities and skills.
- Together with the coach, goals can then be formulated and further steps planned.
- Time required: around 4-5 x 2-hour meetings + independent work at home
- The willingness to self-reflect and to work independently at home is required.
- Language skills (A2/B1) required
- In a group of 4-6 people, important stages in life are reflected upon and non-formally and informally acquired skills are made visible using various methods.
- The participants are activated through the joint group activities and enabled to formulate goals for a realistic professional future.
- Time required: 3 x 3-hour meetings.
- The willingness to self-reflect and to work together in the group is necessary.
- Language skills (A2/B1) required (with language mediators if necessary)
- If necessary, in cooperation with partners (e.g. migration services).
- The computer-based skills assessment procedure was developed by the Bertelsmann Foundation and the Federal Employment Agency. At MYSKILLS, typical situations of a profession are presented through videos and pictures. The test persons have to solve various tasks and answer 125 questions specific to the job. This way, they can prove their professional skills in 30 professions. The result shows which activities of the tested occupation the participants are already familiar with and where there may still be a need for qualification.
- Time required: around 3-4 hours (there is option of taking breaks).
- A self-assessment should be completed in advance at
- MYSKILLS can be completed in 12 languages: German, High Arabic, Farsi, Turkish, Russian, English, Bulgarian, French, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish
- Free of charge at saaris in Saarbrücken until 31.12.2023
- Requirement: Use of the PC mouse and ability to read the assignment in the respective language.
- Motivational and learning video (German: recognising job skills digitally)
The offer is free of charge and is funded by the BMAS and the MASFG.
For Job center / Federal Employment Agency:

In the interest of the competitiveness of the Saar economy, the potential of professionally qualified people of foreign origin without a formal vocational qualification should be opened up better than before and it should be made possible for them to successfully integrate professionally into employment appropriate to their education. The declared aim is therefore to improve the usability of informal and non-formal skills on the Saarland labour market.
The Competency Management Service Centre primarily addresses adult qualified workers without (usable) formal qualifications. They are denied access to a recognition procedure because it is currently not possible to acquire a qualification in Germany on the basis of informally or non-formally acquired skills. Therefore, they often have difficulties in gaining access to adequate employment.
Skills assessment procedures can delivery answers to various questions. In the integration process, the results of the skills assessment are to be used to assess the usefulness or necessity of further measures. Before an assignment to a specific procedure is made, the question of the objective should be clarified. Is it a question of identifying existing potential or evaluating it? Depending on the case, procedures with or without external assessment may be considered.
The Competency Management Service Centre creates the possibility to measure and quantify professional capacity and existing skills. The placement specialists of job centers or employment agencies receive meaningful documentation of results and differentiated feedback on the existing knowledge, skills and abilities of their clients. Based on this, further measures in the integration process can be planned in order to lead the clients to permanent employment that is appropriate for their education.
How can you as an advisor use this free offer? Arrange an appointment for:
- Would you like collegial advice on what options are available for your client/s?
- Would you like an assessment of whether a certain further education course makes sense or not?
- Would you like to know what (professional) skills your clients or employees have?
Together – also together with those seeking advice – we make a decision about suitable further steps, e.g.:
- Competency workshop
- Individual coaching or KomBI career guidance
- Measurement of professional capacity based on vocational experience
- Computer-assisted skills assessment procedure (cross-sector)
- Computer-assisted skills assessment procedure (cross-sector)
- Mediation of a different offer
Possible as 3-person counselling together with clients and advisers, by telephone, in person at the office in Saarbrücken, in person on site at your premises, in the advisory/mediation team, online or by e-mail.
Or inform your clients about the possibilities of a personal casting:
- The clients find out which options are available to them.
- Together we make a decision about suitable steps, e.g.:
- Competency workshop
- Individual coaching or KomBI career guidance
- Measurement of professional capacity based on vocational experience
- Computer-assisted skills assessment procedure (cross-sector)
- Mediation of a different offer
- Possible by telephone, personally in the office in Saarbrücken, online or by e-mail
Would you like to get involved yourself with the topic of “skills assessment”? Take part in a training session.
- with regard to the possibilities of validating informally and non-formally acquired skills and the usefulness of using skills assessment procedures (approx. 2-hour lecture)
- an overview of selected skills assessment procedures and selection of suitable procedures (approx. 1-2 day workshop)
- Independent implementation of competence assessment in counselling or as a competency workshop
Especially for placement specialists from job centers and employment agencies:
- The range of skills assessment procedures is very extensive and diverse. In order to ensure a targeted allocation, the differences between the individual instruments should be known. In the training sessions, those involved learn about the different areas of application and how to better interpret results so that they can use them as a basis for shaping the next steps in the consultancy process.
Especially for responsible authorities and chambers:
- Independent development and implementation of skills assessment procedures (also with regard to §14 BQFG “Other procedures”)
More offers provided by the Competency Management Service Centre:
- In individual coaching, clients are supported in recognising their existing potential and resources and in developing new professional perspectives. In the joint discussions, important stages in life are reflected upon and (professional) activities are analysed using various methods.
- Skills become visible: In the course of the coaching process, your own skills will become clear. The coaching recipients become aware of their own abilities and skills.
- Together with the coach, goals can then be formulated and further steps planned.
- Time required: around 4-5 x 2-hour meetings + independent work at home
- The willingness to self-reflect and to work independently at home is required.
- Language skills (A2/B1) required
- In a group of 4-6 people, important stages in life are reflected upon and non-formally and informally acquired skills are made visible using various methods.
- The participants are activated through the joint group activities and enabled to formulate goals for a realistic professional future.
- Time required: 3 x 3-hour meetings.
- The willingness to self-reflect and to work together in the group is necessary.
- Language skills (A2/B1) required (with language mediators if necessary)
- If necessary, in cooperation with partners (e.g. migration services).
- The computer-based skills assessment procedure was developed by the Bertelsmann Foundation and the Federal Employment Agency. At MYSKILLS, typical situations of a profession are presented through videos and pictures. The test persons have to solve various tasks and answer 125 questions specific to the job. This way, they can prove their professional skills in 30 professions. The result shows which activities of the tested occupation the participants are already familiar with and where there may still be a need for qualification.
- Time required: around 3-4 hours (there is option of taking breaks).
- A self-assessment should be completed in advance at
- MYSKILLS can be completed in 12 languages: German, High Arabic, Farsi, Turkish, Russian, English, Bulgarian, French, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish
- Free of charge at saaris in Saarbrücken until 31.12.2023
- Requirement: Use of the PC mouse and ability to read the assignment in the respective language.
- Motivational and learning video (German: recognising job skills digitally –YouTube)
The offer is free of charge and is funded by the BMAS and the MASFG.
Important documents as downloads:
The funding programme “Förderprogramm IQ – Integration durch Qualifizierung” is funded by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and the European Union through the European Social Fund Plus (ESF Plus) and administrated by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees. Partners in the implementation are the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the Federal Employment Agency.
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