Start-up internationalisation

Startup internationalisation GlobalUP funding programme

Start-ups quickly move into an international context after their foundation, as there are hardly any regional or national markets left. This applies in particular, but not only, to start-ups with purely digital business ideas. For all start-ups in Saarland, moreover, the border location is an invitation to internationalise any business idea. This results in the need to acquire internationalisation know-how early and quickly, because otherwise young companies run the risk of failing to grasp the opportunities for their growth and competitiveness. Solvent investors are also more likely to be found in the international arena.


Innovation support

In order to increase and sustain the innovative strength of Saarland companies, saaris offers individual support in all phases of the innovation process


Innovation support

In order to increase and sustain the innovative strength of Saarland companies, saaris offers individual support in all phases of the innovation process

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The advantage of many young start-ups is that they approach this topic with much less fear of contact. As founders, they have often already had experience abroad themselves or have worked in international teams. This leads to them being able to think internationally about their business models right from the start, which experience shows leads to significantly more success in foreign business than tackling this task later. Overall, start-ups have an increased need for support, advice and coaching depending on their development status. Supporting internationalisation for start-ups therefore plays a central role at Saarland International @ co:hub66.

However, in addition to the opportunity to participate in joint stands at particularly favourable conditions, in special business trips for start-ups or in funding under the newly launched GOinternational programme, Saarland start-ups will in future also be able to apply for funding under the specific start-up funding programme GlobalUP.

This programme accompanies Saarland start-ups on their way to the international stage, as well as welcoming and networking foreign start-ups in Saarland. A bridgehead to Silicon Valley is also being established as part of GlobalUP. A start-up pilot based there provides targeted support for Saarland start-ups to gain a foothold in this important market for tech start-ups.

Possible measures eligible for funding under GlobalUP are:

  • Preparation of internationalisation plans
  • Coaching and advice on internationalisation
  • Target market analysis and market entry requirements
  • Legal and strategic advice
  • Participation in international trade fairs, conferences and accelerator programmes
  • Translations of information material and websites
  • Further internationalisation measures after consultation with Saarland International @ co:hub66
  • Grant for predefined measures amounting to 75 percent of the costs incurred up to a maximum of 10,000 euros

Your contact partner

Max Mustermann
Vedrana Sokolic-Grün Saarland International @ co:hub66 | Head of GlobalUP 0681 210 66 330
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