Qualification support
Up to full recognition of foreign qualifications
Do you have a professional qualification or degree from another country? Are you already going through a recognition process? Do you have to catch up on some training content for full recognition?
Then make use of the qualification support offer from saaris:
In a consultation meeting, we clarify your individual requirements (for example, what is included in your notice and what does it mean? How can you achieve full recognition?)
We can help you with the preparation of a qualification plan and with finding the right qualification measures. We clarify the funding options and help you communicate with authorities and educational institutions. We are by your side during the qualification measure (for example, preparation for the assessment test for doctors) or during the internship phase in the company and can help you to find internships if required.
Afterwards, we can support you in making a new application and achieving full recognition.
The following may be eligible for funding in justified individual cases:
- Qualification measures that are necessary for recognition of a professional qualification
- Teaching and learning materials
- Costs of measures (e.g. health certificate)
- Travel costs
Note: A right to funding does not exist. Each case is reviewed individually. The funding particularly comes into question for an adaptation course or an adaptation qualification to compensate for established, fundamental differences, if no other funding body provides financing.
Requirements to make use of the free offer:
- A completed foreign professional qualification (degree or apprenticeship)
- Notice regarding partial recognition
- Resident in Saarland
Documents required for an optimal advisory service:
- Notice regarding partial recognition
- or certificate appraisal by the ZAB
- Diplomas, references and certificates (if available, ideally with translation)
You don’t have a formal qualification? But you do have vocational experience? Then please do get in touch with the colleagues at the competence management service point.
The qualification support is part of the Regional Integration Network Saarland(IQ). The sub-project communicate with each other and pass on information relevant to the profession, whilst complying with data protection.
Further information:
- BQ-Portal
- Central department for foreign education
- Ukraine – information on recognition
- State Office for Social Affairs: Saarland – work permits
- State Office for Social Affairs / health professions: Saarland – health professions (NAH)
- State Office for Social Affairs Contact persons
- Interpreter and translator database
Other sponsors:
The funding programme called “Förderprogramm IQ – Integration durch Qualifizierung” is funded by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and the European Union through the European Social Fund Plus (ESF Plus) and administered by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees. Partners in the implementation are the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the Federal Employment Agency.
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