In Germany, the transport turnaround is leading to a radical transformation in all areas of automotive value creation. One focus will be the storage of energy in batteries. It represents a good third of the manufacturing costs of a “battery electric vehicle”. This is an important issue in Germany in particular, as up to a third of the expected build-up of production capacity for batteries – estimated to be at least 1,300 to more than 2,000 GWh – is expected to take place by the end of this decade.

This is bringing completely new topics, focal points and business areas to the automotive industry and mean they are confronted with extensive questions. Will batteries be used? How will they be used or recycled afterwards? How environmentally damaging are they really? What are the challenges?
The project “Transformation HUB Battery Value Chain” (TraWeBa) is creating a Germany-wide innovation network with the aim of generating opportunities and jobs for the core competence of batteries in the automotive industry of tomorrow.
Within the framework of the project, suppliers in the automotive battery value chain are to be brought together with other innovators throughout Germany. The aim is to form a common innovation cluster. The support for small and medium-sized enterprises in the automotive industry consists of identifying Germany-wide technology trends in the field of “batteries” as a decision-making aid for new developments or new business fields.
Services offered by TraWeBa network
In the current transformation process, it helps companies, not only in the automotive industry, to know what the current requirements are, but also to get a preview of how relevant topics will develop, so that the company can prepare itself accordingly and is in a position to develop further. The interested companies and research institutes are brought together with other innovation providers, who in turn have an interest in implementing technical innovation in the battery sector at a scale up level. This means that not only the automotive sector is addressed, but also industrial fields that can play a special role for the battery value chain. For example, the chemical industry, the energy sector, but also plant and mechanical engineering.
By 2025, saaris.motovation will be working closely with the automotive networks in eastern Germany, North Rhine-Westphalia and Lower Saxony, as well as four Fraunhofer Institutes, to transfer expertise and skills from application-oriented R&D along the entire value chain to companies throughout Germany, using the following instruments:
- Identification of developments in science and research that are relevant for the battery value chain (battery chemistry, battery cell production, battery recycling and second use)
- Identification of all relevant actors in the field of science and research who are directly or indirectly involved in the battery value chain.
- Knowledge transfer in companies of the automotive industry and associated fields
- Development of a sustainable concept for knowledge and technology transfer
- Analysis of battery activities along the entire value chain (focus on Germany and batteries for electromobility) and related topics
- Determination of demand and analysis of companies along the identified key topics of battery chemistry, battery cell and module production and recycling/re-manufacturing/second-use, as well as special cross-cutting topics such as testing and digitalisation of these precise areas
Each network partner (saaris for Saarland, ACOD for Eastern Germany, AANdS for Lower Saxony and Circular Economy for NRW) is responsible for a technology area according to its expertise and network. saaris is responsible for the topics of battery production and quality assurance.
Services offered by saaris in the TraWeBa network
In the course of the sharing of tasks between the network players, saaris.motovation takes over the areas of battery production and quality assurance. A “technology scout” is responsible for the area in the respective institutions. Technology scouting focuses on companies (including SMEs) and research institutions that are interested in collaborating with partners and commercialising products and services.

The following offers are now available from saaris.motovation for interested companies and research institutions in the region::
- Insights into technological developments, potentials and needs as well as their relevant structuring
- Industry and expert interviews to identify interfaces between the individual process and value creation steps that enable an exchange of information as well as collaborative cooperation
- Digital, continuously updated and free technology help desk in the form of a platform open to all interested parties.
- Topic-focussed work groups and workshops
- Contacts with existing battery networks and key players involved with batteries
- Impulse lectures on knowledge transfer
- Virtual branch leader

Battery value creation chain transformation HUBerie

Battery value creation chain transformation HUBerie
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