KOMATRA - value-based working and learning in the circular economy

The ability of companies to conserve natural resources through the circular economy and to support this change through new forms of working and learning is certain to become a decisive competitive advantage in the coming years.
The KOMATRA project, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, is developing innovative forms of working and learning in the context of the circular economy with Saarland and Rhineland-Palatinate companies, research institutes and institutions from the automotive and medical technology sectors on the basis of the latest scientific findings.
This takes into account the idea of sustainability, stands for new forms of cooperation, knowledge exchange, competence building and regionalism. Circular economy methods are particularly in demand in the automotive industry, as new sustainable products require an equally sustainable production and supply chain. Value orientation is already a key factor for successful work and business and for a strategic and participation-oriented design of work.
Services offered by the Competence Centre for Labour Research (KOMATRA)
In order to achieve increased transformation dynamics of regional companies in the automotive industry through new concepts and solution approaches, it is the aim of the Competence Centre for Labour Research to support the transformation process of companies in Saarland and Rhineland-Palatinate. In a network of research and application partners, strategies for the transformation towards a circular economy are developed and corresponding measures are implemented at the organisational, process and strategic levels.

Companies participating in the project are supported in further developing their work processes on the basis of a value-oriented strategy, in training innovative cultures of value-oriented work, and in developing skills and application possibilities for the circular economy. The instruments are as follows:
- Companies participating in the project are supported in further developing their work processes on the basis of a value-oriented strategy, in training innovative cultures of value-oriented work, and in developing competences and application possibilities for the circular economy.
- Testing new approaches to solutions and adapting them to repetitive processes in everyday working life
The target group in the participating companies are managers and skilled workers.
Services offered by saaris in the Competence Centre for Labour Research (KOMATRA)
saaris wants to position the topics “circular economy” and “value-oriented learning and change strategies” as new transformation modules in the structural change of the Saarland automotive industry. Against this background, saaris with its saaris.motovation brand intends to test the transformation of the automotive industry on the basis of technological, work organisation as well as sustainability aspects together with the project partners in the research network in order to make the results accessible to the largest possible number of automotive companies in Saarland.

The following offers are now available from saaris.motovation to interested companies in the region:
- Promotion of the regional automotive industry through knowledge transfer
- Assistance with technology transfer from science to business and from business to science
- Support for the development and testing of resource-saving processes, procedures and products in the automotive sector
- Targeted support for companies on their way to becoming solution providers of sustainable design and production processes
- Identification of appropriate partners from science and research
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