Saarland Marketing: Great things are always created on a small scale.

Launched in 2014, a wide range of measures and campaigns were implemented by saaris and our partners on behalf of the Saarland state government. From classic campaigns and digital platforms, roadshows and trade fair appearances to telling Saarland success stories and more than 1,500 collaborations right up to penning our own Saarland song.
Today, the slogan and self-image of a small (federal) state in which great things can be created are firmly anchored in the minds of the Saarlanders. According to surveys, 75% rate the slogan as “good” or “very good”. According to a study by the University of Hohenheim, it makes it to second place nationwide.
Become a cooperation partner: anyone can take part!
Other federal states can come up with marketing campaigns that have a much larger budget. Saarland Marketing, on the other hand, relies on the commitment of many for the common cause. More than 1,500 cooperations, supported by industry, municipalities, associations, institutions and personalities in Saarland, document this high level of identification with Saarland Marketing. Everyone, whether local or from outside, is warmly invited to participate in Saarland Marketing according to their individual possibilities. Saarland fans can stock up on free Saarland advertising materials, use the Saarland logo free of charge or develop individual cooperations and thus show the flag for their federal state.

New focus: Attracting young champions to Saarland with “hidden strengths”.

With self-confidence and a twinkle in our eyes, we have made Saarland a strong brand. But we don’t want to rest on our laurels: as a supplement to the umbrella brand, in future we will focus on attracting highly qualified specialists for universities, institutes and the innovative Saarland economy.
Therefore, in the sense of a strategic further development, Saarland Marketing will focus on additional key themes: from “state, people and attitude towards life” to topics that move Saarland today, but especially in the future; topics such as scientific excellence and innovative economy. With a targeted presence in Germany and – via digital media – also internationally. Without a doubt, the challenges for location marketing have increased enormously for the post-coronavirus era. Digitalisation, intensified globalisation, upheavals in the automotive sector and in steel production, climate change and cyber security are keywords.
Advertising with excellence and strong corporate brands
Many of Saarland’s strengths are too little known. The result is a still too low attractiveness for high potentials. The SME sector sees this as one of the most pressing problems – both with regard to foreign skilled workers and managers who are to be attracted to the country and with regard to the retention of those who are to stay here. The focus brand “Germany’s Hidden Champion” was developed to efficiently address these target groups, the so-called “high potentials”, i.e. top executives, scientists, specialised skilled workers, founders and investors. The aim is to make those addressed curious to get to know the hidden strengths of our federal state. The interest gained in this way is a prerequisite for exploring the possibilities; ultimately also for the hoped-for move to Saarland – ideally with the whole family.
Welcome to Saarland.

Saarland Marketing
More information for cooperation partners and on the activities of Saarland’s location marketing.

Saarland Marketing
More information for cooperation partners and on the activities of Saarland’s location marketing.
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