Model project INGE
A holistic approach to developing new health market-specific integration tools to secure the demand for skilled workers

Counteracting the shortage of skilled workers: This is the goal of the model project initiated by saaris in 2017, which has received funding from the Federal Ministry of Health until the end of 2023. The focus is on optimising the professional, linguistic, socio-cultural and social integration of people of immigrant origin into the German health system.
For this purpose, the INGE integration concept was developed for the fields of nursing, home care and human medicine: From the recruitment of participants, to vocational preparation, training and recognition, to successful integration into the labour market, a large number of modules were launched. These include targeted language support, intercultural training for specialist and language teachers and practical instructors, socio-cultural integration management and many other integrative support services.
Our objectives:
- Securing the need for skilled workers in the health sector
- Optimising training conditions
- Reducing the drop-out rates during care training
- Better integration of persons of immigrant origin
- Making the recognition of profession process more efficient
- Ensuring training and care standards
- Ensuring diversity expertise of institutions in health care
Our result:
Within the framework of the INGE model project, a variety of qualification and integration measures were developed and tested to prepare migrants for training and/or professional practice in the care and health industry.
All integration tools that have already been successfully implemented will soon be published in the INGE online practical handbook and will be supplemented with further valuable tools by the end of the project period. We therefore offer all health care facilities nationwide a toolbox with diverse information and instruments to accompany people of immigrant origin on their way into their chosen health care profession and give them detailed support in their integration.
With this orientation, the project with its numerous individual measures does justice to the current discussion on the importance of foreign skilled workers in securing the demand for personnel in the German health care industry. Against this background, there are advantages to be gained from the model project at the state level – on the one hand in coping with the need for skilled workers in the regional health and care industry, and on the other hand with regard to a nationwide political image boost.

Model project INGE
Integration and securing of skilled workers in the health sector

Model project INGE
Integration and securing of skilled workers in the health sector
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