Digitalisation moves SMEs forward and gets them ready for the future. Small and medium-sized enterprises in particular face challenges in recognising digitalisation potential and implementing digital processes in their own operations. saaris supports SMEs in Saarland from the very beginning and remains at their side throughout the entire process: in making strategic decisions, identifying potential, getting started in practice, trying things out and learning, as well as implementing them in company operations. With various projects, co-financed by the state, the federal government and the EU, saaris picks up each company, wherever it may stand, on the topic of digitalisation.
Our services in the field of digitalisation
Are you still looking for the right long-term strategy or a new business field? The Digital Transformation Hub (DTH) supports small and medium-sized enterprises from numerous industries in the region in their digital transformation. One main focus is computer security. Knowledge transfer with the help of numerous event formats, personal consultations and networking between companies are instruments of the state’s own economic development agency saaris that companies can generally use free of charge to get their businesses ready for the future.

Are you looking for the right way to get started? The aim of the SME Digital Centre is to provide targeted support to small and medium-sized enterprises through the use of innovative digital applications and new technologies. The focus is on office and production digitalisation, the use of smart sensors, process virtualisation, the possibilities of artificial intelligence (AI), digital corporate culture, energy and resource efficiency through the use of digital technologies, change management, and IT security.
Do you have initial experience in the field of digitisation, but are still wavering between several options or don’t want to put all your eggs in one basket straight away? Then make use of our European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH) where the motto is “try before you buy”. In the “real labs”, SMEs are made fit for the digitalised world. Another unique selling point: the project is cross-border. There are companies from the entire greater region in the network.
Businesspeople know that the feat of digitisation can only be achieved with motivated skilled workers and employees. The INQA Coaching programme is also designed to support SMEs on their way to the digital future. With the help of the programme, SMEs can develop processes that are oriented towards the needs of employees and at the same time implement the challenge of digital transformation in a forward-looking way. Specially trained and certified INQA coaches are available to assist you.
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