Further development of the Saarland innovation strategy: accompanied and moderated by saaris
Research and innovation play an outstanding role in structural change in Saarland. But it is only through the transfer of ideas from science to industry that concrete benefits for the future competitiveness of Saarland companies are created. 80 Saarland innovation experts from universities and research institutions, institutes, companies, chambers and associations are involved in the process of ongoing development of the Saarland Innovation Strategy. Its main objective is the transfer of knowledge and the strengthening of the connection between business and science. saaris accompanies and moderates the implementation of the new format.
Sustainability, digitalisation, new manufacturing processes and materials, as well as innovative concepts in mobility and health, are the main challenges facing Saarland companies in the future. The renowned experts meet in four working groups on the previous focus topics of the strategy: “Life Science & Material Science”, “Informatics”, “Smart Production & Automotive” and an interdisciplinary working group on “Innovation Management & Technology Transfer”.

The groups are moderated by experienced saaris technology consultants who are in constant exchange with companies in their daily work and know their needs. The concrete action plans are to be finalised by the end of 2023 and then implemented from next year.

Technology transfer for SMEs
Automotive transformation, digital transformation, life science and innovation support - the “Economy Transformation Hub (ETH)” is oriented towards Saarland’s innovation strategy and offers SMEs valuable services and competencies.

Technology transfer for SMEs
Automotive transformation, digital transformation, life science and innovation support - the “Economy Transformation Hub (ETH)” is oriented towards Saarland’s innovation strategy and offers SMEs valuable services and competencies.
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